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Victor Trust, the leader of trust fund in the new generation


In the modern financial system, organizations including trust funds, banks, insurance, securities and financial foundations, have not only performing the general financial functions, but also specific financial functions assigned by trust system under the operational system of value-adding, credit control, leverage and risk, in order to achieve sustainable financial and economic development. The position of trust fund has been extended from "being entrusted with people's wealth management" to "being loyal to people's business". During the evolvement process, some functions of trust funds, for example precise poverty alleviation, elderly care services, care for special people, and cultural heritage protection should be considered for further exploring. Many well-known families such as the Rockefellers and the Kennedys have established family trusts and family foundations to inherit their wealth and to build a long-lasting family fortune. The Nobel Prize and the famous educational philanthropy "The Shaw Building" were both funded by family trusts. It is cleared that trusts have always played a vital role in both civil and commercial communications, and the renewal of the trust system has contributed to the development of the financial sector, in addition with the positive contribution to the construction of credit system for society as a whole.

Victor Trust is an innovative digital currency trust investment fund owned by London Victor Asset Management Ltd., which focuses on digital currency and blockchain investments, and acts as an incubator for start-ups at the same time. In addition to Victor Trust, the firm has invested in a number of other blockchain companies and projects.

As one of the largest independent asset management companies in London, Victor Trust relies on the dominant position of strong corporate backend resources, support from the wealth experience of the company's management team's financial risk management, and the solid assistance of internet technology team, therefore, the yield of stable trust financial products becomes very competitive in major trust platforms, and the yield of money trust funds continues as the leading position to the industry. Victor Trust has built a three-dimensional financial system for enterprises, inpiduals and other financial institutions, aiming at serving corporations, inpiduals and others.

Vk Coin (VKC) is a cryptocurrency issued by Victor Trust that can be circulated globally, connected the entire trust service ecosystem. Vk Coin holders enjoy the corresponding rights and benefits of the entire Viktor Trust ecosystem, allowing every user to participate in the platform construction and development, besides build the Viktor Trust ecosystem together.

Victor Trust provides users with a wide range of high-quality trust products and services. With the in-depth insight of users' financial needs and risk preferences, Viktor Trust precisely selects high

quality trust assets, dynamically customizes the optimal investment portfolio, and achieve the one-step investment and financial services.

Victor Trust's innovative wealth management services help users to comprehensively analyse their asset circumstances, select the world's top investment assets and personalized trust service solutions. The company is stand out in the environment of booming development internet finance market, with the remarkable performance in the intensive competition era. By signing up with globally renowned enterprises, Victor Trust achieves the positive capital interaction, standardization of investment channels, flattening mode of commodity circulation, and electronic sales channels. Victor Trust is committed to building a safe, stable, efficient, fast and quick trust service platform, targeting to a new generation of trust fund leader!


本文标题:Victor Trust, the leader of trust fund in the new generation    