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【笔墨乾坤 墨染中华】中国当代优秀艺术名家——陈建新




Chen Jianxin, a native of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, graduated from Zhejiang University in 1987. Chinese contemporary poet, collector, national senior calligrapher, non-legacy (calligraphy) senior inheritor, national guest ceremony artist of the People's Republic of China, and senior calligraphy instructor of the Chinese Academy of Management. Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Collectors Association, Chinese Hard Pen Book Association, Art Consultant of Academic Committee of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, Consultant of Chinese Character News Network, member of China International Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Association, and member of Ink Painting and Calligraphy Institute.



中国人民艺术网艺术顾问,中国工业合作协会国策智库专家委员会专家,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会理事副秘书长,《新文艺》杂志编委;中国民族建筑研究会书画专业委员会理事,客座教授;中国楹联学会理事;中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长,书画专家,《中华国粹》杂志编委;华港书画文化研究院副院长;中国互联网联盟艺术总监,副主编;国际名人百科外联部主任; 孔子美术舘签约艺术家,收藏天下全国数字电视频道栏目学术指导与特邀艺术家。

Art Consultant of Chinese People's Art Network, Expert of National Policy Think Tank Expert Committee of China Industrial Cooperation Association, Deputy Secretary-General of New Literature and Art Group Calligraphers Working Committee of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Editorial Board of New Literature and Art magazine; Director and visiting professor of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee; Director of China couplets society; Deputy Secretary-General of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplet Society, painting and calligraphy expert, edited by Chinese quintessence magazine; Vice President of Hua Gang Painting and Calligraphy Culture Research Institute; Art Director and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Internet Alliance; Director of outreach department of international celebrity encyclopedia; Confucius Art Club signed artists and collected academic directors and invited artists from all over the world.




Director of Oriental Lanting Poetry Society, Vice-Chairman of Oriental Poets Association, Vice-Chairman of Oriental Collectors Association, Vice-Chairman of Oriental Civilization Communication Association, and concurrently a member of the Management Committee of the General Assembly.




Painting and calligraphy works are included in Selected Works of Chinese Fine Arts, while calligraphy works are included in Dictionary of World Artists, Selected Works of 40 Paintings and Calligraphy in the 40 Years of the New Era, Collection of Chinese Art Masters, Selected Works of Calligraphy by Lian Mo, 70 Years of Chinese Fine Arts, New China Fine Arts Picture Book, Yearbook of Collection of Famous Chinese Artists in the World (Collection), and Ink Treasure Book of China-Dalian Calligraphy works have won many awards in national competitions.



2017年被评为中国好品牌影响力书法家,中国年度骄傲人物。2018年荣获改革开放40年功勋艺术家,人民艺术家,"华夏品牌2019新年书画展十大书法名家。2019年被评为"艺术功勋人物","中华联墨艺术联墨双优人才",2020年荣获“聚焦两会国际书画艺术创新人物”,"人民心中的大师",“全球各界贡献人物《年度之最》”,全国两会官方重点推荐人民艺术家荣誉称号。同时录入全国书画大师数据库,书法作品入编国宝档案。2020年12月份中国互联网联盟对陈建新老师专访报道《以大美之艺 创传世之作》,2021年已申报全国高层次艺术人才。

In 2017, he was named as a calligrapher with good brand influence in China and a proud figure of the year in China. In 2018, he was awarded as a meritorious artist and people's artist in the 40 years of reform and opening-up, and was one of the top ten calligraphy masters in Huaxia Brand 2019 New Year Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. In 2019, he was awarded as "Artistic Meritorious Person" and "Excellent Talent of China-Dalian-Mexico Art and Mexico". In 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of "Innovative Person of International Painting and Calligraphy Art Focusing on the Two Conferences", "Master in People's Heart", "Best Person of the Year" from all walks of life in the world ",and the honorary title of People's Artist recommended by the National People's Congress. At the same time, it is entered into the national master database of calligraphy and painting, and calligraphy works are compiled into national treasure archives.In December, 2020, China Internet Alliance made an exclusive interview with Teacher Chen Jianxin and reported "Creating Handmade Works with Great Beauty". In 2021, it has applied for national high-level artistic talents.










本文标题:【笔墨乾坤 墨染中华】中国当代优秀艺术名家——陈建新    